- Sponsor:
- sigchi
We are excited to welcome you to CHI 2020 in beautiful Honolulu, Hawai'i!
Although CHI has strong origins in the USA, it has never been to Hawai'i. We see this rather "unusual" location for a conference as both an acknowledgement of the role underrepresented regions play in the field of Human-Computer Interaction as well as a symbol for more outreach to the rest of the world.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. CHI - pronounced "kai" - is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. We are a multicultural community from highly diverse backgrounds who together investigate new and creative ways for people to interact.
CHI has a rich history of bringing together people from different disciplines, cultures, sectors, communities and backgrounds. Through CHI, designers, researchers and practitioners come together with the common purpose of creating technology that works for people and society.
We are increasingly realizing how our technology use is changing how we delineate work and pleasure, how it is advancing our productivity but at the same time threatening our wellbeing. In choosing a beautiful location like Hawai'i, we hope we highlight the importance of work-life balance and also elicit new discussions on such critical perspectives about the future of interactive technology.
Thanks to our massive numbers of volunteers and help from ACM and its SIGCHI members, we are excited to present a vibrant technical and social programme for you to experience. Over six days, participants can join and continue to engage with the CHI community and explore technology and world-class research, and engage in discussions with designers, researchers, students, and practitioners!
Ho'omalu-o means "to conserve; to use or manage wisely" in the Hawaiian language. One of our goals for CHI 2020 is to make more sustainable choices wherever we can, recognising, of course, that any travel, especially to locations like ours, has a significant impact on the environment. Working with the Sustainability Chairs, we have chosen recycled, biodegradable or eco-friendly products and engaged with local suppliers, wherever possible. We have implemented options to reduce travel related to the conference organisation by using videoconference meetings as much as possible. We have worked with the CHI Steering and Executive Committee to identify future opportunities to reduce travel and to reduce the number of meetings. We have removed the conference bag and gifts by default and encouraged the selection of more sustainable food choices (including the decision not to serve red meat). We have also chosen reusable or compostable crockery and cutlery where possible and are donating any remaining food to a homeless shelter to avoid food waste.
Furthermore, we have chosen to locate all activities in or near the Convention Centre and negotiated deals with hotels nearby to reduce the need for transportation. The Convention Centre itself is the first and only public assembly convention centre to earn LEED v.4 O+M Gold Certification in the United States. In the spirit of Ho'omaluo- , we have also decided to set the default temperature in the venue higher to reduce air condition energy usage.
A particular highlight is the Interactivity programme, which will be launched at the Reception on Monday evening, giving a live glimpse into the future with hands-on prototypes, design experiences as well as inspirational technologies.
We are also excited to continue the commitment to making CHI, and CHI content, more widely accessible. We will be live-streaming even more paper sessions. We also provide a nursing room, all-gender bathrooms, badge pronouns, a desensitization room and a prayer room.
Introducing Peripheral Awareness as a Neurological State for Human-computer Integration
- Josh Andres,
- m.c. schraefel,
- Nathan Semertzidis,
- Brahmi Dwivedi,
- Yutika C. Kulwe,
- Juerg von Kaenel,
- Florian Floyd Mueller
In this work we introduce peripheral awareness as a neurological state for real-time human-computer integration, where the human is assisted by a computer to interact with the world. Changes to the field of view in peripheral awareness have been linked ...
Venous Materials: Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms
Venous Materials is a novel concept and approach of an interactive material utilizing fluidic channels. We present a design method for fluidic mechanisms that respond to deformation by mechanical inputs from the user, such as pressure and bending. We ...
Considering Parents in Coding Kit Design: Understanding Parents' Perspectives and Roles
As education researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders recognize the importance of computing, many coding kits (toys and apps) have emerged to help young children learn to code at home. However, how parents perceive and support their children's use ...
If I Hear You Correctly: Building and Evaluating Interview Chatbots with Active Listening Skills
Interview chatbots engage users in a text-based conversation to draw out their views and opinions. It is, however, challenging to build effective interview chatbots that can handle user free-text responses to open-ended questions and deliver engaging ...
BlyncSync: Enabling Multimodal Smartwatch Gestures with Synchronous Touch and Blink
Input techniques have been drawing abiding attention along with the continual miniaturization of personal computers. In this paper, we present BlyncSync, a novel multi-modal gesture set that leverages the synchronicity of touch and blink events to ...
Making Space for Social Sharing: Insights from a Community-Based Social Group for People with Dementia
People with dementia face major challenges in maintaining active social interaction. Designing digital tools for social sharing within families and care facilities has been well explored by HCI research, but comparatively less work has considered ...

Phasking on Paper: Accessing a Continuum of PHysically Assisted SKetchING
When sketching, we must choose between paper (expressive ease, ruler and eraser) and computational assistance (parametric support, a digital record). PHysically Assisted SKetching provides both, with a pen that displays force constraints with which the ...

Peer-to-Peer Energy Markets: Understanding the Values of Collective and Community Trading
Peer-to-peer energy-trading platforms (P2P) have the potential to transform the current energy system. However, research is presently scarce on how people would like to participate in, and what would they expect to gain from, such platforms. We address ...
AirTouch: 3D-printed Touch-Sensitive Objects Using Pneumatic Sensing
3D printing technology can be used to rapidly prototype the look and feel of 3D objects. However, the objects produced are passive. There has been increasing interest in making these objects interactive, yet they often require assembling components or ...
Digital Liminalities: Understanding Isolated Communities on the Edge
This paper brings together three distinct case studies to explore how social isolation and notions of liminality shape ontological security within communities on "the edge" of society. Each case study exemplifies the differing nature of liminality in ...
Mouillé: Exploring Wetness Illusion on Fingertips to Enhance Immersive Experience in VR
Providing users with rich sensations is beneficial to enhance their immersion in Virtual Reality (VR) environments. Wetness is one such imperative sensation that affects users' sense of comfort and helps users adjust grip force when interacting with ...
Replicate and Reuse: Tangible Interaction Design for Digitally-Augmented Physical Media Objects
Technology has transformed our physical interactions into infinitely more scalable and flexible digital ones. We can peruse an infinite number of photos, news articles, and books. However, these digital experiences lack the physical experience of paging ...
FDHelper: Assist Unsupervised Fraud Detection Experts with Interactive Feature Selection and Evaluation
Online fraud is the well-known dark side of the modern Internet. Unsupervised fraud detection algorithms are widely used to address this problem. However, selecting features, adjusting hyperparameters, evaluating the algorithms, and eliminating false ...
Understanding Walking Meetings: Drivers and Barriers
There is increased interest in reducing sedentary behavior of office workers to combat the negative health effects of prolonged sitting. Walking meetings offer a promising solution to this problem as they facilitate a physically active way of working. To ...
Listen to Developers! A Participatory Design Study on Security Warnings for Cryptographic APIs
The positive effect of security information communicated to developers through API warnings has been established. However, current prototypical designs are based on security warnings for end-users. To improve security feedback for developers, we ...
ReCog: Supporting Blind People in Recognizing Personal Objects
We present ReCog, a mobile app that enables blind users to recognize objects by training a deep network with their own photos of such objects. This functionality is useful to differentiate personal objects, which cannot be recognized with pre-trained ...
Breaking The Experience: Effects of Questionnaires in VR User Studies
Questionnaires are among the most common research tools in virtual reality (VR) evaluations and user studies. However, transitioning from virtual worlds to the physical world to respond to VR experience questionnaires can potentially lead to systematic ...
"Hey Model!" – Natural User Interactions and Agency in Accessible Interactive 3D Models
While developments in 3D printing have opened up opportunities for improved access to graphical information for people who are blind or have low vision (BLV), they can provide only limited detailed and contextual information. Interactive 3D printed ...
Meta-AR-App: An Authoring Platform for Collaborative Augmented Reality in STEM Classrooms
Augmented Reality (AR) has become a valuable tool for education and training processes. Meanwhile, cloud-based technologies can foster collaboration and other interaction modalities to enhance learning. We combine the cloud capabilities with AR ...

PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera
We propose mounting a downward-facing camera above the top end of a digital tablet pen. This creates a unique and practical viewing angle for capturing the pen-holding hand and the immediate surroundings which can include the other hand. The fabrication ...
From Data to Insights: A Layered Storytelling Approach for Multimodal Learning Analytics
Significant progress to integrate and analyse multimodal data has been carried out in the last years. Yet, little research has tackled the challenge of visualising and supporting the sensemaking of multimodal data to inform teaching and learning. It is ...
Computing Students' Learning Difficulties in HCI Education
Software developers often make interface design decisions and work with designers. Therefore, computing students who seek to become developers need some education about interface design. While prior work has studied difficulties that educators face when ...

Evaluating 'Prefer not to say' Around Sensitive Disclosures
As people's offline and online lives become increasingly entwined, the sensitivity of personal information disclosed online is increasing. Disclosures often occur through structured disclosure fields (e.g., drop-down lists). Prior research suggests these ...
Proximate Social Factors in First-Time Contribution to Online Communities
In the course of every member's integration into an online community, a decision must be made to participate for the first time. The challenges of effective recruitment, management, and retention of new users have been extensively explored in social ...
Data-driven Multi-level Segmentation of Image Editing Logs
Automatic segmentation of logs for creativity tools such as image editing systems could improve their usability and learnability by supporting such interaction use cases as smart history navigation or recommending alternative design choices. We propose a ...

Data Everyday: Data Literacy Practices in a Division I College Sports Context
Data analysis is central to sports training. Today, cutting-edge digital technologies are deployed to measure and improve athletes' performance. But too often researchers focus on the technology collecting performance data at the expense of understanding ...

TalkingBoogie: Collaborative Mobile AAC System for Non-verbal Children with Developmental Disabilities and Their Caregivers
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies are widely used to help non-verbal children enable communication. For AAC-aided communication to be successful, caregivers should support children with consistent intervention strategies in ...

texSketch: Active Diagramming through Pen-and-Ink Annotations
Learning from text is a constructive activity in which sentence-level information is combined by the reader to build coherent mental models. With increasingly complex texts, forming a mental model becomes challenging due to a lack of background knowledge,...
"Out of Luck": Socio-Economic Differences in Student Coping Responses to Technology Problems
Despite high levels of digital technology access among college students, technology disruption remains an issue. This study was conducted to understand how technology disruption might contribute to socio-economic disparities in academic performance. Data ...
Exploring Auditory Information to Change Users' Perception of Time Passing as Shorter
Although the processing speed of computers has been drastically increasing year by year, users still have to wait for computers to complete tasks or to respond. To cope with this, several studies have proposed presenting certain visual information to ...
Cited By
- Homewood S, Okholm Just K and Bramm Johansson O The Unanticipated Use of Fitness Tracking Technologies During Post-COVID Syndrome Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (556-570)
Agudo U, Liberal K, Arrese M and Matute H (2024). The impact of AI errors in a human-in-the-loop process, Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 10.1186/s41235-023-00529-3, 9:1
- Severes B, Carreira C, Vieira A, Gomes E, Aparício J and Pereira I The Human Side of XAI: Bridging the Gap between AI and Non-expert Audiences Proceedings of the 41st ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, (126-132)
- Cheon E (2023). Powerful Futures: How a Big Tech Company Envisions Humans and Technologies in the Workplace of the Future, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7:CSCW2, (1-35), Online publication date: 28-Sep-2023.
- Orzikulova A, Cho H, Chung H, Hong H, Lee U and Lee S (2023). FinerMe: Examining App-level and Feature-level Interventions to Regulate Mobile Social Media Use, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7:CSCW2, (1-30), Online publication date: 28-Sep-2023.
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Dong Z, Yi L, Pan W, Hu A, Ma W, Zhang T and Yang T (2023). Data-driven study of the preferences and effects of wearable device visualisation in sport Third International Conference on Computer Vision and Data Mining (ICCVDM 2022), 10.1117/12.2660309, 9781510661363, (116)
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Schwartz R, Khalid H, Liakopoulos S, Ouyang Y, de Vente C, González-Gonzalo C, Lee A, Guymer R, Chew E, Egan C, Wu Z, Kumar H, Farrington J, Müller P, Sánchez C and Tufail A (2022). A Deep Learning Framework for the Detection and Quantification of Reticular Pseudodrusen and Drusen on Optical Coherence Tomography, Translational Vision Science & Technology, 10.1167/tvst.11.12.3, 11:12, (3), Online publication date: 2-Dec-2022.
- Ma R and Kou Y (2022). "I'm not sure what difference is between their content and mine, other than the person itself", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6:CSCW2, (1-28), Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022.
Simonnet M (2022). Smart Map Augmented: Exploring and Learning Maritime Audio-Tactile Maps without Vision: The Issue of Finger or Marker Tracking, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 10.3390/mti6080066, 6:8, (66)
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- Gayler T, Sas C and Kalnikaitė V Sensory Probes: An Exploratory Design Research Method for Human-Food Interaction Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (666-682)
- Kim T, Goyal N, Kim J, Kim J and Hong S (2021). Supporting Collaborative Sequencing of Small Groups through Visual Awareness, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5:CSCW1, (1-29), Online publication date: 13-Apr-2021.
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
CHI '19 | 2,958 | 703 | 24% |
CHI '18 | 2,590 | 666 | 26% |
CHI '17 | 2,400 | 600 | 25% |
CHI '16 | 2,435 | 565 | 23% |
CHI '15 | 2,120 | 486 | 23% |
CHI '14 | 2,043 | 465 | 23% |
CHI '13 | 1,963 | 392 | 20% |
CHI '11 | 1,532 | 410 | 27% |
CHI '09 | 1,130 | 277 | 25% |
CHI '08 | 714 | 157 | 22% |
CHI '07 | 840 | 182 | 22% |
CHI '05 | 372 | 93 | 25% |
CHI '03 | 468 | 75 | 16% |
CHI '02 | 414 | 61 | 15% |
CHI '01 | 352 | 69 | 20% |
CHI '00 | 336 | 72 | 21% |
CHI '99 | 312 | 78 | 25% |
CHI '98 | 351 | 81 | 23% |
CHI '97 | 234 | 55 | 24% |
CHI '96 | 256 | 55 | 21% |
CHI '94 | 263 | 70 | 27% |
CHI '93 | 330 | 62 | 19% |
CHI '92 | 216 | 67 | 31% |
CHI '91 | 240 | 56 | 23% |
CHI '90 | 260 | 47 | 18% |
CHI '89 | 199 | 54 | 27% |
CHI '88 | 187 | 39 | 21% |
CHI '87 | 166 | 46 | 28% |
CHI '86 | 122 | 47 | 39% |
CHI '85 | 170 | 35 | 21% |
CHI '83 | 176 | 59 | 34% |
CHI '82 | 165 | 75 | 45% |
Overall | 26,314 | 6,199 | 24% |